Our Forests are Disappearing
With your help, we can make a difference. You purchase. We plant. Together, let's plant 1 million trees to put an end to deforestation.

Did You Know?
Deforestation is the second-leading cause of climate change
... and it's often human-driven. Forests are disappearing at an alarming rate, which has a devastating impact on wildlife and ecosystems. At our current rate of destruction, only 10% of rainforest will survive beyond 2030.
Why trees? Fact is, we need them.
Trees are the planet's natural air purifiers. They absorb carbon dioxide emissions and release oxygen in its place, reducing global warming.
Trees also provide food, medicine, fuel and jobs, all essential aspects of our lives. Deforestation takes this away by exacerbating drought conditions, soil erosion and flooding.
Simply put, without trees, we wouldn't be here.
Reforestation is the answer.
By partnering with Eden Reforestation Projects, Keika is taking action to help restore healthy forests and reduce extreme poverty. Locals around the world are given fair wage employment to plant trees in their communities, benefiting both the environment and the economy.

101,685+ Trees Planted since 2019
Frequently Asked Questions
Who plants the trees?
Eden Reforestation Projects, an amazing non-profit organization with a mission committed to alleviate extreme poverty and restoring healthy forests in developing countries by employing locals to plant over a million trees each month.
Why plant trees?
Deforestation is the second-leading cause of climate change and it's often human-driven. Forests are disappearing at an alarming rate, which has a devastating impact on wildlife and ecosystems. At our current rate of destruction, only 10% of rainforest will survive beyond 2030.
Trees absorb our carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases, reducing global warming. They provide food, medicine, fuel and jobs. Deforestation exacerbates drought conditions, making food production impossible.
Trees provide oxygen, improve air quality, protect us against different climates while conserving water, preserving soil and supporting wildlife... they literally do it all.
Without trees, we wouldn't be here.
Where do you plant?
Planting currently takes place in 9 countries whose landscapes have been destroyed by deforestation:
Honduras, Nicaragua, Nepal, Madagascar, Haiti, Indonesia, Mozambique, Kenya and Brazil
What kind of trees?
Only trees native to the region are planted. The planting methods, depending on the tree species, include singling or farmer-managed natural regeneration, seed balls, seedling nursery, bare root transfers, and mangrove propagule planting.
Who owns the land?
The vast majority of tree planting projects take place on government-owned land that is under direct authority of the local community.
Eden Projects also works on smaller scale agroforestry projects, which occur on sites owned by local farmers.